
The subject of the study is reorganization and determination of content for the Hotel Pošta in Jesenice. The property is privately owned and is not currently in use. The Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage is protected as a profane building heritage. In the current issue of revitalization of the wider area of ​​Center in which the building is located, renovation and re-use of the construction is of full significance. The proposal for new activities for the object under consideration is based on an analysis of the geographical, economic and social context and the existing state of the building. In order to establish a project that is consistent with its context, the following questions arise. What are the existing trump cards and potentials of the environment? What are the needs of the local population? What persons and institutions could potentially be involved in the implementation of the project and to whom is the project intended? How do these aspects relate to each other, in what kind of relationship and in what period of time? This study establishes first thoughts in the search for answers to these questions.


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The subject of the study is reorganization and determination of content for the Hotel Pošta in Jesenice. The property is privately owned and is not currently in use. The Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage is protected as a profane building heritage. In the current issue of revitalization of the wider area of ​​Center in which the building is located, renovation and re-use of the construction is of full significance. The proposal for new activities for the object under consideration is based on an analysis of the geographical, economic and social context and the existing state of the building. In order to establish a project that is consistent with its context, the following questions arise. What are the existing trump cards and potentials of the environment? What are the needs of the local population? What persons and institutions could potentially be involved in the implementation of the project and to whom is the project intended? How do these aspects relate to each other, in what kind of relationship and in what period of time? This study establishes first thoughts in the search for answers to these questions.


Marcos Da Silva

Andrej Bernik


Mixte, hébergement, commerce, terciaire, équipement public






Jesenice – Slovénie



